Safety Tips for Parents of Young Drivers Starting College

Safety Tips for Parents of Young Drivers Starting College

As excited as parents are to see their children go off to college, the worrisome statistics surrounding young drivers are hard to ignore. Recent reports highlight a disturbing rise in car wrecks involving teens and young adults. These unfortunate incidents serve as a solemn reminder of the importance of instilling good driving habits in our young adults, particularly those who are newly independent and leaving home for the first time.

As a personal injury law firm, Johnson & Alday has seen firsthand the life-changing impacts of car collisions involving young drivers. We feel strongly about this topic, so here are some safety tips parents can use to guide their young adults as they venture into this new chapter of life.

Safety Tips For Parents

Keep the Conversation Open

  1. Distractions: Emphasize the importance of minimizing distractions while driving, such as texting, eating, or fiddling with the radio.
  2. Speeding: Remind your young driver that exceeding the speed limit is not only illegal but also significantly increases the risk of a collision.
  3. Drinking and Driving: Make sure they understand the severe repercussions of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  4. Vehicle Maintenance: Teach them basic car maintenance—such as checking oil, tire pressure, and brake fluid levels—to ensure the vehicle is in optimal condition.

Plan Ahead

  1. Emergency Contacts: Always have a list of emergency contacts readily available in the car and saved on their phone.
  2. Roadside Assistance: Make sure they know how to contact roadside assistance and what to do in case of an emergency.
  3. Route Planning: Encourage them to plan their route ahead of time, especially for longer trips, to minimize the chances of getting lost or encountering unexpected road conditions. The Georgia 511 system is the state’s #1 source for real-time traffic and travel information. Before heading out, encourage your college-aged driver to check Georgia 511 for current traffic conditions so they can ensure the safest and most efficient route.

Be A Role Model

  1. Safe Driving: Make sure you are modeling good driving behavior when you are in the car together. Your actions will speak louder than words.
  2. Regular Check-ins: Keep tabs on how they are doing. Regular conversations about their driving experiences can help reinforce good habits and provide opportunities to correct bad ones.

The Importance of Being Proactive

The start of college is a significant transition period for young adults, full of new experiences and responsibilities. One of those responsibilities is safe driving. By being proactive and providing them with these tips, you are equipping them to be safer on the road.

Our Promise

If you or your young driver is injured in a car wreck due to the negligence of another, you need experienced legal help. The team at Johnson & Alday is here to provide the guidance and representation you need to navigate the complexities of personal injury law. Don’t go it alone—contact us today for a free consultation.

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