Johnson & Alday Secure Substantial Settlement for Catastrophically Injured Worker’s Comp Client
Bobby Johnson and Catherine Manavi, the Johnson & Alday worker’s compensation team, worked for over five years on behalf of a well-deserving client and that work has now concluded in the best possible way – a large settlement for a happy client who can now put the matter behind him. Bobby and Catherine’s tireless efforts for this client, over the years of litigation, included navigating not only a legal system almost solely focused on insurance companies’ interests but also two surgeries.
Ultimately, after a lengthy trial, Bobby and Catherine convinced the court that their client deserved catastrophic designation, which means lifetime medical care, as many modifications to his home and vehicle as this designation warrants, and monetary benefits so that he does not have to work anymore, since he cannot, due to his injury. After the insurance company stroked checks week after week for medical care, home modifications, attorney’s fees, and benefits, it finally caved, settling the case for a multiple of six figures and more than $65,000 in additional home modifications.
Bobby and Catherine’s client is overjoyed that this case is now behind him. Bobby and Catherine are happy for the client and that, through their efforts, they got the insurance company to finally do the right thing. If you or someone you know has been hurt on the job, please call Johnson & Alday at (678) 967-4040 or visit us at

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