Car Wreck During Quarantine | 9 Tips All Drivers Should Know
At Johnson & Alday, we wanted to take the time to remind everyone about how to deal with the aftermath of a car wreck and give you some steps to stay safe and healthy during these trying times.
As our economy opens and more drivers get on the road, there are a few essential things to remember if you get in a wreck.
- Always have a mask in your vehicle. Many studies show masks significantly reduce your risk and the risk of those around you from catching COVID-19.
- After the wreck, check yourself and others in the vehicle to see if there are any serious injuries.
- Call 911. Let them know where you are and what happened.
- Take pictures of your vehicle, the other vehicles involved in the wreck, and the accident scene.
- Do not move your vehicle until the police arrive. The police need to get an accurate understanding of how the collision occurred. Typically, the police will help you move your vehicle after they arrive, if necessary.
- Tell the officer about any injuries or pain you may have.
- Get the insurance information from the other driver. Make sure you keep a safe distance if possible. If you have disposable masks in your vehicle, offer one to the other driver if they do not have one.
- If you are injured, make sure you get to the hospital or urgent care. It is vital to get treatment right away. Your injuries could get worse if you do not see a doctor.
- When visiting the doctor, bring a mask.
During this pandemic, it has become increasingly difficult to get proper medical treatment for injuries from a motor vehicle collision. Many doctors’ offices are closed or are not accepting any new patients. If you have already been treating with a doctor, continue to, if possible. Make sure to do at-home exercises as prescribed by your doctor. If your doctor has not given you any at-home exercises, call and ask for some. At-home exercises and therapy can continue to help you heal if you are unable to see your doctor. If you are looking for a doctor, make sure to find one you are comfortable with. Ask them how they are keeping their office safe and if they have any COVID-19 procedures in place. Finally, always remember to call Johnson & Alday. We are happy to help you navigate these trying times and provide you with the best representation possible.

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