Dog Bite Lawyer Kennesaw, GA

When man’s best friend turns vicious, the results can be catastrophic – even fatal. A dog bite injury can leave permanent scarring, both physically and emotionally. You may have a limited range of motion, depending on how deep the bite went, or develop a phobia of dogs. North Carolina law considers dogs property; therefore, the dog’s owner is liable for any harm their animal causes. But, dog bite claims can quickly get contentious, and many victims are left wondering what rights or options they have.

That’s where we come in. The attorneys at Johnson & Alday, LLC, represent people like you who have been mauled or bitten by someone else’s dog, fighting to ensure that you receive a proper settlement to cover your medical care, pain and suffering, and other trauma. We offer a free consultation with a Kennesaw, GA, dog bite lawyer – call us today to schedule yours!

How Can A Kennesaw Dog Bite Lawyer Help Me?

Dog bite attorneys represent victims of a dog mauling, bite, or attack. You may be seriously hurt and the incident, and require invasive, painful medical procedures, like surgery or even a rabies prevention treatment. Dog bites are notoriously hard to suture, and the damage may involve nerve or muscle damage and permanent scarring.

The emotional aftermath of being attacked by a dog may last even after the scars on your body fade. Many people are left with a lifelong phobia of dogs, PTSD, or depression over their post-accident disabilities or changed appearance. You may require months or even years of therapy as part of your recovery, and we fight for compensation that covers all your material and intangible losses, like pain and suffering.

Complexities In Dog Bite Cases

Don’t be surprised if you face victim-blaming or harassment after filing your dog bite injury claim. Although it’s usually the dog owner’s insurance company that will be paying the compensatory damages, the dog’s owner may be angry that you filed the suit to cover your medical bills or worried that the city or county may take action against the dog, like quarantine or other steps. Our legal team has extensive resources to help you if you are victim-blamed, and we’re prepared to take all necessary steps to protect you from further attacks.

You may be accused of threatening the dog or otherwise providing it and see backlash, especially if the owner is a neighbor or someone you know. Your lawyer can represent you in the entire process and communicate with the other party on your behalf. We shield you as we protect your rights in court so you can recover from your injuries in peace.

Our Experienced Attorneys Want To Help You!

Dog bite victims may often feel isolated hurt, and wonder if anyone will help them. The legal team at Johnson & Alday, LLC, will defend your rights and legal interests, and demand that the dog’s owner (and any other liable parties) pay full and fair compensation for the harm their animal caused. We understand the fine points of law covering these claims and have extensive resources to fight for you. Call us today for a free consultation with a Kennesaw dog bite lawyer.

Ways To Tell A Dog May Be Preparing To Bite

Dogs are often called “man’s best friend,” but even the most friendly dog can sometimes show signs of aggression. Understanding the signals that a dog may be preparing to bite is crucial for staying safe. This knowledge can help you avoid potentially dangerous situations, whether you’re a pet owner, a visitor, or someone who encounters dogs in your daily life. Let’s explore the various ways to tell if a dog may be about to bite and how to respond if you notice these signs. You need to have a skilled Kennesaw, GA dog bite lawyer on your side to assist with your case and ensure you get maximum compensation that you deserve. Johnson & Alday, LLC offers free consultations and has years of experience working personal injury cases. Let us help you today.

 Watch For Stiff Body Language

One of the earliest indicators that a dog may be feeling threatened or uncomfortable is a stiff body posture. If a dog’s entire body suddenly tenses up, it’s a signal that they might be on alert. Dogs who are feeling anxious or aggressive often stand very still, their muscles tight, and their bodies positioned in a way that shows they’re ready to react. If you notice a dog’s body becoming rigid, it’s important to give them space and avoid sudden movements.

 Pay Attention To The Ears

A dog’s ears can be very expressive and provide clues about their mood. When a dog’s ears are pulled back tightly against their head, it often indicates fear or aggression. In some cases, their ears might be pricked up and forward, showing that they are highly alert. Both of these positions can suggest that the dog feels threatened and might react by biting. Always approach a dog cautiously and avoid putting yourself in their space if you see these warning signs.

 Look Out For Growling Or Snarling

Growling and snarling are direct vocalizations that indicate a dog is uncomfortable or unhappy. These sounds are clear signs that the dog wants you to stay away. A growl is a dog’s way of communicating that they’re feeling threatened or protective. If you hear a dog growling or snarling, it’s best to move away slowly and avoid making eye contact, which could be interpreted as a challenge.

 Notice The Position Of The Tail

While many people believe a wagging tail means a dog is happy, that’s not always the case. The position and movement of the tail can tell you a lot about how a dog is feeling. A dog that is about to bite may hold its tail high and rigid, sometimes even wagging it slowly or stiffly. This differs from the loose, happy wag you might see when a dog is relaxed and friendly. If you notice a dog’s tail is held high and seems tense, it’s a sign that you should proceed with caution.

 Be Cautious Of Baring Teeth

When a dog bares its teeth, especially when combined with a curled lip, it’s a clear signal that they feel threatened. This behavior is a warning, meant to show they are ready to defend themselves if necessary. Even if the dog hasn’t yet growled or made any other sounds, exposed teeth should be taken seriously. It’s important to back away slowly if you see a dog displaying this behavior.

 Observe The Dog’s Eyes

A dog’s eyes can be very telling when it comes to their mood. A dog that is preparing to bite may give what’s called a “hard stare,” where they lock eyes with you without blinking. This type of stare is a direct threat and shows that the dog is feeling defensive or aggressive. On the other hand, if a dog’s eyes appear wide, showing the whites (sometimes called “whale eye”), it may be a sign of fear or discomfort. In either case, it’s best to move away calmly and avoid engaging further.

 Understand The Hackles

When a dog’s hackles (the hair along its back and neck) stand up, it’s a sign that the dog is aroused, stressed, or feeling threatened. While raised hackles don’t always mean the dog is about to bite, it is a sign that the dog is on high alert. If you see a dog’s hackles rise, it’s wise to give the dog space and try not to provoke any further reaction.

 Recognize Subtle Signs Of Stress

Dogs may also display more subtle signs of stress or discomfort before resorting to aggressive behavior. Yawning, licking their lips, or turning their head away can all be signs that a dog is feeling uneasy. These behaviors are often overlooked, but they are important cues that the dog might not feel safe or comfortable in their current environment. If you observe these signs, it’s best to create distance and allow the dog to calm down.

 What To Do If You See These Signs

If you encounter a dog showing any of these warning signs, the most important thing is to stay calm and avoid sudden movements. Back away slowly without turning your back on the dog. Never attempt to pet, touch, or approach a dog that is showing aggressive behavior, as this may provoke a bite. It’s also crucial to educate children and others about these signs so they know how to behave safely around dogs. Even the best Kennesaw, GA dog bite lawyers may not be able to help if you were the negligent party.

Reach Out To Us Today

If you or someone you know has been bitten by a dog, understanding these signs could have helped prevent the incident. However, sometimes bites happen even when you’re cautious. In such cases, it’s important to seek legal advice from our knowledgeable dog bite attorneys  to protect your rights and receive the compensation you deserve. Reach out to our experienced team today to discuss your situation and learn how we can help you move forward.